A delegation from the South Sudan National Youth Union in Abyei on 24 September 2021. [Photo: Radio Tamazuj]

Youth convention to elect union leaders kick off in Abyei

A convention to elect a new youth union in the Abyei Administrative Area kicked off on Friday.

A convention to elect a new youth union leadership in the Abyei Administrative Area kicked off on Friday.

The two-day convention, funded by the South Sudan National Youth Union, aimed at empowering youth to elect the union's leadership in a free and fair manner. 

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Friday, the Secretary for State Affairs at South Sudan National Youth Union, Justin Urio Ajongo, said a new youth union leadership will be elected after the convention concludes. 

“The convention has just now been officially opened by the chief administrator and the chairman for South Sudan National Youth Union Gola Boyoi Gola together with the Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport for Abyei Administrative Area. 120 youth representatives from four counties of Abyei have attended the convention,’’ said Ajongo.

Akuet Aguek, a young lady who attended the function said such opportunities empower the youth to make informed decisions with their votes. 

“I hope such convention takes place always for youth to meet and achieve something good. I am happy that such a good activity is happening in our land," she said. 

For his part, Deng Atem Chol, the secretary for external relations for the Abyei Youth Union says they wish for unity and positive changes among the youth. 

“We want change to come among us as a youth so that we will have freedom in our land. We are also expecting unity among us and development for the youth," Atem added.