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YEI - 9 May 2014

Yei educator blames ‘drunken teachers’ for student woes

The education coordinator of Yei Catholic Diocese says poor performance of learners is due to intoxicated teachers, and teachers coming late to work and leaving early before accomplishing their work.

Fr Alex Lo’diong Sakor on Thursday urged teachers to commit to work and stop taking unexcused frequent absenses, the Catholic Radio Network reported. 

He lamented the frequent absence of teachers, persistent administrative changes and poor management, resulting in poor performances of the pupils.

Fr Alex warned that latecomers, drunkards and absent teachers would be punished, saying they would introduce a new system to strengthen the administration.

The Diocesan Education Coordinator made the statement during a meeting with teachers of St Joseph Primary School Lutaya. 

In another development the Yei Municipality Deputy Mayor urged head teachers to allow students who failed to pay school fees to sit for examinations.

Catholic Radio Network Reported on 5 May that the deputy mayor Silvano Ali told school administrators to stop sending learners home for not clearing school fees and ream of papers.

Speaking at Christ the King Cathedral, the official called on school administrations to sympathize with parents for the delay of salaries.

Reporting by Catholic Radio Network

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