Photo: Bishop Hillary Luate

Yei bishop urges South Sudan leaders to unite

The Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of South Sudan’s Yei River State has urged the country’s leaders to unite and ensure speedy implementation of the revitalized peace agreement.

The Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of South Sudan’s Yei River State has urged the country’s leaders to unite and ensure speedy implementation of the revitalized peace agreement.

Speaking to a crowd of worshipers at Emmanuel Cathedral on Sunday, Bishop Hillary Luate Adeba said the resurrection of Jesus Christ should be a new turning point for South Sudanese leaders to end bloodshed and reconcile for the good of the common citizens.

“Let us rise above revenge and embrace reconciliation, forgiveness, unity and peace. The revitalized peace agreement should be a new base for peace in South Sudan in order to end the suffering of people,” said Luate.

He added, “May the end of this Easter season be the end to war in Yei and South Sudan, so that all of us can work towards the better life of our children, women and men in South Sudan”.

Luate appealed to the country’s citizens to embrace the culture of unity, accept their past mistakes and ask for forgiveness from God.

“The death of Jesus demonstrated to us that we should not take any revenge, but instead humble ourselves on the wrongs we have done and apologize. The people of Yei and South Sudan should prepare themselves for peace, not further shedding of blood,” he stressed.

One of the areas badly affected by South Sudan’s civil war, Yei has witnessed human rights violations and massive displacement since 2016.