Yambio: Sudanese refugees plead for help

The Sudanese refugees relocated from Renk to Makpandu camps in Yambio, Western Equatoria State, on Wednesday appealed for help to end the conflict in their country.

Last Year, a conflict broke out between the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), which has claimed thousands of lives and displaced millions of people.

Several of those who fled moved to Renk refugee camp in South Sudan’s Upper Nile State. However, following flooding and other conditions, UNHCR decided to relocate them to Makpandu.

Currently, there were 1,420 refugees arriving every week at the Makpandu from Renk.

Most of the refugees who spoke to Radio Tamazuj said they left their country without any property and were now on the verge of starvations and without shelter.

Fatina Mohammed Umer said her family remained in Sudan but they were unable to maintain contacts. She appealed to the government of Sudan to end the war so that they return home.

She said it was their suggestion to be taken to Yambio, but found the place uncomfortable, as they were provided with only life’s basic needs.

Ahmed Abdu Ahmed said he lacked access to clean water, opportunity to make money and communication network to connect with compatriots.

“We have no network to reach our relatives to request money, yet that is critical since the food provided to us is not enough,” Ahmed said.

Roa Ibrahim Adam who fled from Darfur said Sudan, especially Khartoum, has been destroyed and the warring parties should end the war so that their children have access to education.

“My message to the people of Darfur and Sudan as a whole is that this conflict has affected the whole of the country. Stop the fight and save our future,” Adam said.