Workshop, new organization in Aweil hopes to promote border peace

Leaders from Dinka Malual tribes in Aweil have finished a five day workshop on migration between border communities with Sudan.

Leaders from Dinka Malual tribes in Aweil have finished a five day workshop on migration between border communities with Sudan. The workshop aims to promote peace between the Dinka Malual, Messiriya, and Rezigat tribes who live in the border region.

The workshop also brought to light a new organization that promote dialogue between the three tribes, called the Joint Border Peace Agency.  

“The organization is going to be based on peaceful coexistence” said Sylvester Dut Aluk, a JBPA founder told Radio Tamazuj. He said that VISTAS, a contractor from the United States aid organization, has expressed an interest in providing funds.

Dut also added that JBPA hopes to train the local community in the latest water, agriculture, and educational practices.

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