Women group unhappy with extension of transitional period

A women’s organization, the South Sudanese Women Peacemakers, said they are deeply concerned about the recent unilateral decision to extend the transitional period by another two years.

According to a press statement, the organization said that while the extension of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) could provide additional time to address the necessary conditions for a successful transition, they are troubled by the lack of meaningful progress in implementing key provisions of the peace agreement over the past six years.

“The people of South Sudan have endured multiple unilateral extensions with minimal improvement in their daily lives. Despite these elite-driven transitions, South Sudanese continue to experience economic hardship, insecurity, and a lack of essential services, while political and military leaders remain detached from these harsh realities,” the statement reads.  “We believe the recent extension will only prolong rampant insecurity and the cycle of violence, including killings, sexual and gender-based violence, and inter-communal conflict. Against this backdrop, we call for an immediate, inclusive, and credible political process that increases citizens’ involvement and respects ordinary people’s voices rather than prioritizing the interests of political and military elites who have repeatedly failed to implement the necessary reforms for a democratic transition.”

The women called for a carefully guided transition, led by an interim government, focused on achieving the involvement of civil society, women’s groups, youth, people with disabilities, and faith-based groups in discussions about preparing the country for a successful democratic transition rather than relying solely on political groups.

“Prioritize constitutional reform during this transitional period, including formulating a permanent constitution, take immediate steps to end sexual and gender-based violence, unlawful detentions, and rampant corruption and killings of innocent people, and fully implement the security sector reforms as stipulated in the R-ARCSS,” the statement added.

They urged the international community to continue supporting the people of South Sudan by backing this proposed guided transition.

“This support is essential to ensure that this extension leads to real progress and a better future for all South Sudanese by 2026,” the statement said.

South Sudan Women Peacemakers is a dynamic consortium of women-led organizations committed to fostering peace and stability. Representing diverse sectors of society, this group includes women from academia, entrepreneurship, faith-based organizations, women with disabilities, and youth groups. Together, these women unite their efforts, expertise, and unique perspectives to advocate for peace, inclusivity, and the empowerment of marginalized voices. Their collective strength lies in their dedication to addressing South Sudan’s challenges and ensuring that women play a central role in shaping the country’s future.