Woman bludgeons niece to death with axe in Kapoeta Town

A woman whose name has been withheld by authorities struck her 2-year-old niece to death using an axe in Kapoeata Town in Eastern Equatoria State on Monday.

A woman whose name has been withheld by authorities struck her 2-year-old niece to death using an axe in Kapoeata Town in Eastern Equatoria State on Monday.

The deceased toddler is the daughter of the suspect’s elder brother.

The mayor of Kapoeta Municipal Council, John Lokuda, told Radio Tamazuj Wednesday that the woman was apprehended and is detained at Kapoeta Police Station awaiting trial.

“This incident happened on Monday at midday. The woman killed the daughter of her brother by beating her with an axe. The dead child is a 2-year-old female,” he said. “She is currently in custody and investigations are ongoing as to why she killed the child. I cannot reveal her name because the issue is still under investigation.”

“It is sad,” Mayor Lokuda added.

Hellen Omina, a woman parliamentarian representing Kapoeta Town in the state parliament on the SPLM Party ticket, expressed shock at the killing of the child and appealed to the government to investigate the matter.

“It is a sad incident and to make matters worse, she killed the daughter of her brother. Maybe this woman was drunk since she is said to have cut this child using an axe,” she said. “She should be arrested and investigated and it should be determined by a doctor if she was drunk, normal, or mad. All women with small children should take care of their young ones.”

Meanwhile, Flora Sebit Jada, a women’s activist in Eastern Equatoria State, condemned the killing and urged people to respect children’s rights.

“It is so unfortunate. Why does an innocent child deserve death? Even if you have a problem with your brother, sister, or family member, an innocent child is not involved. Killing innocent children or anybody is unacceptable and a thorough investigation should be done to find out if this woman is mad,” she said and advised: “People should respect the law. If I have a problem with my brother, I should not act out of the law but report and get help legally.”