Bushmeat seized in Jonglei. (Radio Tamazuj)

Woman arrested for possession and sale of bushmeat in Jonglei

Wildlife authorities in Bor town of South Sudan’s Jonglei State on Wednesday arrested a woman in possession of bushmeat.

Wildlife authorities in Bor town of South Sudan’s Jonglei State on Wednesday arrested a woman in possession of bushmeat.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Thursday, Zechariah Atem Manyok, the director for wildlife conservation and tourism in Jonglei State said the woman was also arrested for selling bush meat in Bor’s Referendum neighborhood.

He pointed out that it is illegal to kill wildlife or sell bush meat, adding they filed a case against the suspect on Wednesday.

“Our law says that we have to take full responsibility and protect the animals. Should we find anyone with bushmeat; the court will take an action. We found this woman with the meat of 3 animals,” he said.

Atem urged Bor residents to protect wildlife, saying it is a source of income for the government.

Meanwhile, the suspect who identified herself as Ayen Machok acknowledged that she has been selling bush meat which she receives from poachers.