West Darfur youths launch peace initiative in El Geneina

A group of young people from West Darfur State has launched an initiative, ‘No to War’, to campaign for peace in the area.

A group of young people from West Darfur State has launched an initiative, ‘No to War’, to campaign for peace in the area.

The group has recorded testimonies and short dialogues on peace, calling for an end to the war. Their messages target civil society activists, human rights defenders, workers and artisans. The initiative aims to provide an opportunity for voices calling for an end to the war.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Friday, Abdullah Azraq, the initiator, said: “The idea arose from youth discussions where we observed that the voices advocating hate speech and war are very loud, while those calling for an end to the war have weak voices and no platform to express their views. The words have a stronger impact than weapons.”

“When the series was published, it received widespread acceptance and positive comments within the community. We gathered testimonies from all sectors of society, including employees, workers, and food and vegetable sellers,” he added.

Dawood Mohammed Dawood, who supported Abdullah Azraq’s comment, emphasized that the voices advocating for war are louder than those advocating for peace, and peace advocates do not have spaces to express their views.

Dawood added, “We launched a campaign against war with self-efforts. After the publication of the series, we gained new supportive voices for peace, and we aim to expand and provide opportunities for more voices supporting peace until the war is stopped.”

Engineer Mohamed Musa Al-Gali explained that the campaign aimed to produce short clips calling for an end to the war. He clarified that the idea was born from the thoughts of activists and activists in the civil, social, and revolutionary work in West Darfur.

Civil activist Ahmed Khalil Abu Al-Usood described how the idea came from a group of young people eager to stop the war through pure self-initiative by engaging in community dialogue and reaching the conviction that there must be real action on the ground to express the voice calling for an end to the war.

He expressed, “Among our discussions, we concluded that there must be real action to express the voice calling for an end to the war. The goal of the initiative is to achieve, at a minimum, the objective of raising the voice calling for an end to the war, to be louder than the voice of war continuity.”

The campaign aimed to clarify that the Sudanese people have no relation to the ongoing war, and the continuation of the war means draining the Sudanese people financially and psychologically and undermining their dignity.

After being published on social media platforms, the campaign garnered thousands of likes and supportive comments, calling for an end to the war.