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West Darfur: El Geneina emergency kitchens reopen after boost

The El Geneina’s Emergency Room Committee in Sudan’s West Darfur State has reported supplying foodstuff to five kitchens serving those affected by floods, with support from the currency traders at the main local market.

The emergency room team distributed rice, lentils, pasta, oil, onions, and salt to those in need.

Committee member Khalil Salih confirmed that the distribution of food aid began with the Umm Duwain sheltering houses, which received the least attention despite being the most affected. He stated that five kitchens were supplied with equal quantities of food.

“Fortunately, we were able to provide supplies at a time when the kitchens had ceased operations due to a lack of resources and support,” Salih added.

He called on benefactors to support the affected people through the Emergency Room Committee and emphasized that they would continue their efforts until the crisis subsides.

A donor’s representative, Wafi Eissa Al-Bashir, explained that the initiative aimed to collect funds to purchase food and supplies, covering five kitchens in the neighborhoods of Umm Duwain, Al-Zuhur and Ardamata.

Wafi pledged to provide additional services after visiting all the centers and assessing the extent of the damage.

The supervisor of the kitchens, Muddathir Mohammed Abdallah, welcomed the support provided by the El Geneina’s Emergency Room Committee and the currency traders.

“The support we have received will allow us to continue operating and providing services until next September. The currency traders have also committed to installing restrooms in the center,” he added.

He described the situation as extremely dire following the recent heavy rains in the city.