Wau Football Association begins HQ construction

The construction of the Wau local Football Association Headquarters in the Jabal neighbourhood commenced on Sunday under the supervision of Mohammed Ali Goni, the Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sports of Western Bahr el Ghazal State.

The construction of the Wau local Football Association Headquarters in the Jabal neighbourhood commenced on Sunday under the supervision of Mohammed Ali Goni, the Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sports of Western Bahr el Ghazal State.

The event was attended by Albino Kuek, the spokesperson for the South Sudan Football Association, Santino Udol, the president of the Wau local Football Association, and Haitham Issa, the deputy president.

Santino Udol Miyan, president of the Wau local Football Association, emphasized in a statement to Radio Tamazuj that the initiation of the headquarters’ construction marks the implementation of their strategic plans, formulated upon assuming their roles in the Association.

“This project is part of the broader agenda, which began in the first year with a focus on developing the capacities of administrators, coaches, and referees,” he said.

Furthermore, Udol highlighted their support at the Association’s board level, enabling clubs to compete effectively in different tournaments. He underscored their third plan, the construction and maintenance of the association’s headquarters, which has now commenced.

He added that the construction process will commence with the erection of the fence, followed by the construction of offices, headquarters, halls, and conference rooms in the near future. He expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports of Western Bahr el Ghazal State, particularly Minister Mohammed Ali Goni, for his constant presence and support.

He revealed that the Wau local Football Association, established in 1947, is one of the oldest associations in South Sudan, lacking suitable offices for managing its work. However, he noted that this situation will change soon.

He emphasized that the process of building and maintaining the Association’s Headquarters is entirely self-funded by the board of directors. This decision was reached after several meetings where they opted to initiate the work and then await the South Sudan Football Association to complete it.

“There are other projects we plan to implement after completing the construction of the Headquarters,” he said.

 However, he refrained from disclosing details about these remaining projects, emphasizing their focus on one project at a time for completion before initiating others.

Albino Kuek, the spokesperson for the South Sudan Football Association, expressed his joy at being present at the commencement of the construction and maintenance of the Wau local Football Association Headquarters. He underscored the importance of infrastructure projects in developing sports and affirmed the commitment of the South Sudan Football Association to support this project.

He praised the significant step taken by the board of directors of the Wau local Football Association, highlighting Wau as the sports capital of South Sudan, not only in football but also in other activities. He described this project as unique, making Wau local Football Association the first association to undertake such an initiative, and encouraged other local associations to follow in Wau’s footsteps.

He disclosed that they have heeded the state government’s desire to execute various projects suitable for Western Bahr el Ghazal State, focusing on infrastructure and the enhancement of all sports aspects, particularly football, within the state.

“I urge board of directors of the Wau local Football Association to continue fostering the same path, spirit, harmony, and eagerness to strengthen the relationship between the association and the ministry, advocating for collaborative efforts,” he said.

Furthermore, he highlighted that the forthcoming headquarters of the Wau local Football Association will serve as a model for other local associations in South Sudan. He encouraged all associations to emulate Wau’s example, establishing their own offices. He characterized the construction project of the Wau local Football Association as a significant milestone.

Mohammed Ali Goni, the Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sports of Western Bahr el Ghazal State, characterized the initiation of the association’s headquarters construction as a crucial step in aligning with the state government’s vision, contributing to the progress of local associations.

“This initiative reflects the genuine mark that every leader should leave when assuming a position, showcasing the desired nationalism among athletes and youth,” he said.

Goni stressed the importance of rehabilitating the Association’s Headquarters, anticipating substantial support from the President of the Republic for Wau Stadium, crucial for optimal preparation.

Goni revealed ministry plans to develop, rehabilitate, and construct stadiums akin to the Olympic Stadium. He called Wau the sports capital, emphasizing the city’s significance in hosting sports events. He urged everyone to contribute to supporting this project, affirming the ministry’s commitment to seeing it through, with plans to submit a comprehensive report to the state governor for his visit and support before the opening.