Water shortages hit Dalami, Nuba Mountains

Water shortages have hit Dalami Locality in SPLA-N territory of the Nuba Mountains, South Kordofan. Residents also complained of scarcities of food and basic services. Toma Abdullah Ali, speaking to Radio Tamazuj in Nyukur area in Dalami Locality, said that she normally spent two hours going and coming to fetch one container of water. “We are tired. We have one hand-pump. Women come from six in the morning until six at night to fetch water. And it’s still not enough for the family at home. We have one hand-pump and it’s a big area,” she said. Toma added, “That water isn’t enough for washing and drinking and cooking. You just can’t do it.” In interviews from 25-27 January, displaced people living in Dalami Locality in the north-central Nuba Mountains pointed to the failure of crops this year due to low rainfall and agricultural pests, in addition to lack of clean drinking water and rampant hunger. “We farm,” said Jumaa Mahmud Shanto, sheikh in the Nyukur area, “but this year we don’t have anything… so we are weak. We are looking for what to eat.” Some food is stockpiled from earlier years or is brought from the government side. Jumaa said the price of a malwa of flour, for those who could afford it, can reach to 15 or 16 pounds. The harsh conditions are renewing movement of displaced people in the region, forcing many to flee onward toward refugee camps in South Sudan. Hamdan Ismail Dudu, who lives in Tungoli Administrative Unit since fleeing his home elsewhere in South Kordofan, said that food aid came in previous years but not yet in the new year. “Since we came here a while ago, the situation was very difficult. The food was from national organizations… we are expecting the national organizations, if they can help us in this time, it would be good,” said In terms of health care, there is a health center in Tungoli; pregnant women can go to Tujor; the seriously sick have to Kauda, about 60 km to the south. Schools also are barely functioning. “There’s a shortage of teachers. Pupils don’t have school books, they don’t have chairs, nor pens, not even clothes. There’s nobody who brings clothes here,” said Hamdan, pointing out also that many people took shelter in the high mountains and caves. At least 40-50% of children are completely unreached by education.Photo: The only borehold in Nyukur area, Dalami Locality, South Kordofan (Radio Tamazuj).

Water shortages have hit Dalami Locality in SPLA-N territory of the Nuba Mountains, South Kordofan. Residents also complained of scarcities of food and basic services.

Toma Abdullah Ali, speaking to Radio Tamazuj in Nyukur area in Dalami Locality, said that she normally spent two hours going and coming to fetch one container of water.

“We are tired. We have one hand-pump. Women come from six in the morning until six at night to fetch water. And it’s still not enough for the family at home. We have one hand-pump and it’s a big area,” she said.

Toma added, “That water isn’t enough for washing and drinking and cooking. You just can’t do it.”

In interviews from 25-27 January, displaced people living in Dalami Locality in the north-central Nuba Mountains pointed to the failure of crops this year due to low rainfall and agricultural pests, in addition to lack of clean drinking water and rampant hunger.

“We farm,” said Jumaa Mahmud Shanto, sheikh in the Nyukur area, “but this year we don’t have anything… so we are weak. We are looking for what to eat.”

Some food is stockpiled from earlier years or is brought from the government side. Jumaa said the price of a malwa of flour, for those who could afford it, can reach to 15 or 16 pounds.

The harsh conditions are renewing movement of displaced people in the region, forcing many to flee onward toward refugee camps in South Sudan.

Hamdan Ismail Dudu, who lives in Tungoli Administrative Unit since fleeing his home elsewhere in South Kordofan, said that food aid came in previous years but not yet in the new year.

“Since we came here a while ago, the situation was very difficult. The food was from national organizations… we are expecting the national organizations, if they can help us in this time, it would be good,” said

In terms of health care, there is a health center in Tungoli; pregnant women can go to Tujor; the seriously sick have to Kauda, about 60 km to the south.

Schools also are barely functioning. “There’s a shortage of teachers. Pupils don’t have school books, they don’t have chairs, nor pens, not even clothes. There’s nobody who brings clothes here,” said Hamdan, pointing out also that many people took shelter in the high mountains and caves. At least 40-50% of children are completely unreached by education.

Photo: The only borehold in Nyukur area, Dalami Locality, South Kordofan (Radio Tamazuj).