Some of the beneficiaries with their ox-plows. (Photo: Radio Tamazuj)

Warrap State agriculture ministry, World Vision distribute ox-plows

The Ministry of Agriculture in Warrap State and World Vision over the weekend started distributing ox-plows in Kuajok.

The Ministry of Agriculture in Warrap State and World Vision over the weekend started distributing ox-plows in Kuajok.

According to officials, this is the second phase of the project under the theme “Fortifying Equality and Economic Diversification of crop production” and is a five-year project which commenced in 2020 with funding from Global Affairs Canada and was implemented by the World Vision South Sudan.

Speaking to journalists during the start of the exercise on Friday, Warrap State Governor Manhiem Bol Malek urged the people of the state to embark on agriculture to combat hunger.

“When you received me here upon my appointment, one of my priorities was agriculture and it is the only way we can live and survive that is why I do not forget it in any of my speeches,” he said. “The little sorghum brought by our president is not enough unless we go for farming so I want to urge all of you to use this equipment and encourage others to train their oxen to use these 500 ox-plows in the counties.”

According to Governor Bol, Sudan where agricultural produce and other commodities used to come from is in conflict so the people of Warrap State have no option but to farm.

“So, I declare Friday a farming day and those who idle and sit at tea places are asked to desist otherwise we will take them out of Kuajok to go and farm,” he said.

On his part, Andrea Mayar, the World Vision representative, said the five-year project is being implemented in seven states in South Sudan including Warrap, and aims to equalize resources among the genders.

“Phase two of the project is five years running from 2020 to 2025 and we are covering five counties within Warrap State excluding Gogrial East County which has a similar project with another organization,” he said. “The project is empowering youth and women to produce food equally and supports 54,000 beneficiaries in five counties of Warrap and 96,000 in greater Bhar El Ghazal.”

A beneficiary of the project, Josephina Apot Deng, said she will cultivate several crops.

“We came to receive ox-plows and it will improve my production of groundnuts, sesame, and sorghum in my garden in Waralel village,” she said.

Another beneficiary, Joseph Jok, said his family will be food secure by next year.

“The ox plow will help me cultivate my garden in Ngapdit this year and next year I will be good,” he said. “I am very happy to get such a tool. I cultivate sorghum, groundnuts, and many others and I think my production will increase and my outputs for this year will be better.”