Warrap: Head of HIV/AIDS commission resigns, cites frustration

A chairperson of the HIV/AIDS Commission in Warrap State has resigned from his position, citing frustration with the state governor’s lack of political will to work with other political parties.

A chairperson of the HIV/AIDS Commission in Warrap State has resigned from his position, citing frustration with the state governor’s lack of political will to work with other political parties.

Kuch Dut, who is a member of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-In Opposition (SPLM-IO) led by First Vice President Riek Machar, was appointed into the position as part of the power-sharing agreement.

South Sudanese parties are implementing the 2018 revitalized peace agreement. But even now, critical aspects of the deal such as security arrangements and institutional reforms are behind schedule.

"I have resigned because we don't want our state to be chaos. So, I think it is the best option to resign…The governor [Aleu Ayieny Aleu] is not interested to work with other political parties," Kur told Radio Tamazuj last week.

He added, "I have a reason as to why I resigned, it was my personal frustration as a political appointee to work in an environment where my views are not considered. The governor is taking the government as his own property."

The SPLM-IO member said he tendered his resignation to the governor’s office on October 15.

For his part, Santino Diing Wek, the state minister of cabinet affairs said the secretariat has not yet received Kuch’s resignation letter. "When the SPLM-IO members claim that there is no cooperation, we get surprised because the governor is a peace-loving man," Diing said.

Governor Aleu Ayieny Aleu is a senior member of the SPLM party led by President Salva Kiir.

On Monday, SPLM-IO members in the transitional government from Warrap State held a press conference in Juba and threatened to pull out from the state government citing mistreatment and harassment by the state governor.

In his response, Governor Aleu Ayieny Aleu denied wrongdoing, saying the allegation is false and misplaced.

“I have noted with grave concerns, the manner in which our peace partners, the Honorable members of SPLM-IO in Juba have raised misplaced allegations against the Government of Warrap State and, against my personality as the Governor,” Governor Aleu said in a statement on Wednesday.