Warrap committee to probe killing of Abyei administrator

A committee has been formed to probe last week’s gruesome killing of Deputy Chief Administrator of Abyei Administrative Area Noon Deng Nyok.

A committee has been formed to probe last week’s gruesome killing of Deputy Chief Administrator of Abyei Administrative Area Noon Deng Nyok.

The five-member committee, formed on Thursday by the Governor of Warrap State, has been mandated to investigate allegations leveled against Twic armed youth of murdering the late administrator.

It comprises politicians, Members of Parliament, security officers, the Attorney General as the chair deputized by the Public Prosecutor.

The late Deng Nyok was ambushed and killed alongside his five body guards on the Abyei-Rummamer Road on 31 December 2023.

A member of the committee said the team will also foster good relations within Abyei area but also come up with firm resolutions on how to crackdown on criminals along the Abyei borders.

State Minister for Information William Wol Mayom told Radio Tamazuj Friday the committee has seven days to table its report.

“The fact finding committee was formed by Governor Kuol Muor to probe the allegations leveled against Titweng (Twic armed youth) that they were involved in the killing of the Abyei deputy chief administrator,” he said.

 “As government, we want to verify the allegations. Governor Kuol Muor formed the committee to create good relations so that the two governments of Warrap and Abyei can find ways of cracking down on criminals, ” Minister Wol added.

Bona Malual, Chairperson of Warrap State Civil Society Alliance (WASCA) welcomed the formation of the committee and urged it to cast its net wider.

“We demand that they bring the people who committed such crimes to justice and this should be extended to other parts of Warrap State where crimes are happening,” he said.