W Kordofan citizens decry delay opening al Nuhud and Muglad hospitals

Citizens in Sudan’s West Kordofan state have complained of delay in the inauguration of al Nuhud and Muglad hospitals which were built by the West Kordofan development fund with 1 billion SDG in 2008.

Citizens in Sudan’s West Kordofan state have complained of delay in the inauguration of al Nuhud and Muglad hospitals which were built by the West Kordofan development fund with 1 billion SDG in 2008.

The State Minister of Health speaking in parlaiment had set a deadline for the two hospitals to be inaugurated, but the target has expired. He was summoned by the parliament upon a motion raised by Salim al Safi, an MP representing constituency number 13 al Nuhud, for the delay in the opening of the two hospitals.

The national ministry of health promised to hand over the two hospitals and inaugurate them in March upon directives from the vice president. At that time, the minister pointed that some equipment of the hospital had been sold in the market, citing corruption cases during the implementation of the project.