Governor Alfred Futuyo. (File photo)

W. Equatoria Governor issues orders suspending logging, land demarcations

The Governor of Western Equatoria State, Gen. Alfred Futuyo Karaba, on Monday, issued directives suspending several commercial activities including timber logging and demarcation of plots of land in the state.

The governor also said violators would be fined, face up to six months in jail, and have their equipment confiscated. He however did not give reasons for the orders.

“This order shall be cited as state order no. 12/2024 for the suspension of mahogany timber lumbering and felling of Afzelia Africana round logs, including suspension of tax exemption granted to dealers until further notice and shall come into force upon the signature,” the order read in part. “Any dealer who violates this order will be penalized as follows; pay a fine to the tune of One million South Sudanese Pounds (SSP 1,000,000) or be sentenced to imprisonment for not less than six months. Secondly, confiscation of sawing machines or timber or logs found in her/his possession.”

Governor Futuyo also ordered the suspension of the demarcation of plots within Yambio.

“This order shall be cited as state order no. 13/2024 for the suspension of plots demarcation within Yambio jurisdiction and shall come into force upon the date of signature,” it read. “Anybody who violates this order will face the full force of law, and it will be implemented by National Security Agencies, Police, CID, and chiefs.”

In a separate order, Futuyo announced the independence of Nadiangere Payam from Yambio County. The reason he gave was that the payam is far from the center, lacks service delivery, and does not have an adequate budget.

“The Ministry of Local Government and Law Enforcement is mandated to deploy capable senior administrative officers to Nadiangere immediately,” the order read. “All the departments of various ministries like education, health, agriculture, etc. are to report to the mother ministry in the state and not to Yambio County. This order shall come into force upon the date of signature.”