Governor Futuyo while interfacing with members of the TNLA on Tuesday. (Photo: Radio Tamazuj)

W. Equatoria Governor Futuyo denies embezzling salaries of defunct states

The governor of western Equatoria State, Gen. Alfred Futuyo Karaba, while appearing before the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) in Juba on Tuesday, refuted allegations that he misappropriated the salary arrears of civil servants in the defunct states of Western Equatoria.

The governor of western Equatoria State, Gen. Alfred Futuyo Karaba, while appearing before the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) in Juba on Tuesday, refuted allegations that he misappropriated the salary arrears of civil servants in the defunct states of Western Equatoria.

In late August, Richard K. Mulla, an SPLM legislator representing Mundri County in Western Equatoria State, raised a motion regarding the unpaid salary arrears of civil servants in the defunct states of Amadi, Maridi, and Tambura.

He said the government employees had gone without pay for 27 months which accumulated to SSP 813 million from 1 August 2020 to 31 May 2023.

Speaking during his appearance in parliament on Tuesday, Governor Futiyo told the lawmakers that he had paid 14 months’ salary arrears since he assumed office in 2020.

“When I became the governor, I paid them 14 months’ salaries and our state received SSP 20 million,” he said. “If we still are referring to the defunct states, it means Western Equatoria still has four states. Isn’t it?”

Gen. Futuyo said he is even demanding SSP 8 billion as salary arrears from the National Ministry of Finance and Planning.

“In the financial year budget ceiling, we are demanding SSP 8 billion from the national government,” he explained. “In the last two years, our budget has been SSP 11 billion and what was given to us is only SSP 3 billion.”

“Now, have I embezzled money or was my money misappropriated?” Futuyo rhetorically asked to raucous laughter from the parliamentarians.  

He revealed that he integrated the former constitutional post-holders of the defunct states of Amadi, Maridi, and Tambura into the ranks of the Western Equatoria State civil service.

For his part, Richard K. Mulla, who initially raised the motion to summon Governor Futuyo over the unpaid salary arrears of the affected civil servants, said the governor has not been serious about paying his staff.

“Madam Speaker, the governor of Western Equatoria has not been serious in paying the salaries of his staff,” he said. “He does not know whether they are human beings or they are institutions, as he was telling us here before which is extremely unfortunate.”

According to Mulla, the claim has risen from SSP 813 million to SSP 953 million in September.

“For thirty months, Madam Speaker, the claim has risen. The claim that I submitted was SSP 813,541,909 since last May. Up to now, at the end of September, the claim has risen to SSP 953,355,308. Madam Speaker, the people deserve their salaries. Salary is a right, salary is not an offer.”