W. Equatoria allocates 500 hectares to private company to grow coffee

The government of Western Equatoria State last Friday, during a council of ministers meeting, resolved to allocate 500 hectares of state land to the Equatoria Teak Company to grow coffee.

The government of Western Equatoria State last Friday, during a council of ministers meeting, resolved to allocate 500 hectares of state land to the Equatoria Teak Company to grow coffee.

Briefing the press after their meeting, the state’s information and communication minister, Isaac Murusal, said the council resolved to allocate land to Equatoria Teak Company to establish a coffee plantation.

“So, in the agenda, they deliberated and approved allotment of land, which is 500 hectares, to the Equatoria Teak Company for planting coffee and other crops. That was what we came out with,” Minister Murusal said. “And also the council of ministers discussed the process of allotment of land and decided it is the responsibility of the ministry of housing, land and public utilities.”

The minister also revealed that the members of the state legislature will be sworn in on 17 March

“The council of ministers has passed the resolution number 3/2021, the swearing-in of the state members of the legislative assembly which is scheduled for 17 March 2022,” Murasal said.

“That is the sensitive part of the message going to all the ten counties and the information is going to the members and I am passing this message to you so that they can start preparing themselves,” he added.

According to the information minister, the scheduled date is distant because some of the parliamentarians are not within the state and have to be given time to reach Yambio.