W. Bahr el Ghazal residents react to extension of transitional government

South Sudanese have expressed their optimism that the country would hold a General Election in 2026 after the postponement of the December 2024 poll.

The government last week rolled out the extension of the unity government for two more years, saying the country needed more time to address challenges, which have marked the transition period.

They include the implementation of the remaining protocols in the Revitalized Agreement for Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) such as the constitution making, conducting a population census, the registration of political parties and the security arrangements.

In an interview with Radio Tamazuj in Western Bahr el-Ghazal State, residents said the government should use the two-year extension to address the challenges, including the current economic hardship.

“Let the government try to ensure the elections take place. Let there be no failed promise like the 2024 proposal,” Rawa Rajab told Radio Tamazuj from Raja town.

James Bilal from Wau County said the government should now address the issues of peace, which were yet to be implemented.

“Let the government prioritize the provisional principles which have not been implemented since the signing of 2018 Revitalize Peace Agreement,” said Bilal.

Lual Dut from Jur River County said the government and all the parties to the agreement need to show their commitments to convince the public that they are mindful of the people and the county.

He said people would have no problem with the extension if it were what is required for peace, stability and the revival of the economy.

“We need the government to get to work to convince the public that the election will be held in 2026,” he said.

Dut hoped that there would be no more extension to the transition period after 2026.