VP Machar orders SPLM/A-IO leaders to handover to newly appointed officials

The First Vice President of South Sudan, and chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army in Opposition, over the weekend, directed his caretaker governors, their deputies, and commissioners to hand over to the newly appointed state’s officials.

The First Vice President of South Sudan, and chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army in Opposition, over the weekend, directed his caretaker governors, their deputies, and commissioners to hand over to the newly appointed state’s officials.

“Reference to my message 001/7/2020 dated 23 February 2020, and 002/7/2020 dated 23 February 2020 now that governors, deputy governors and commissioners of Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (RTGONU) have been appointed all former SPLM/SPLA (IO) caretaker governors, deputy governors, and commissioners of SPLM/SPLA (IO) are hereby ordered to step down and to hand over to senior civil servants in the areas and executive directors in the counties,” the order read in part.

He also directed that executive directors in the counties take charge of security until the newly appointed commissioners report to their respective stations.

“Until when the commissioners report to their stations, the executive directors, assisted by all forces, must ensure the maintenance of security in the respective areas,” Dr. Machar wrote.

The SPLM-IO Director for Information and Public Relations, Puok Both Baluong, told Radio Tamazuj that when the country reverted to ten states, Dr. Machar issued a directive to SPLM-IO governors designating them as caretaker governors pending the formation of the unified government at all levels.

“When the government was formed, certain areas that were under the control of the SPLM-IO went to the ITGoNU, OPP, or SSOA and vice versa. So it was important to legally harmonize this,” Both explained. “There is also the issue of ensuring free movement which has to be addressed so that appointed officials can report to their stations. For example, appointed officials from the ITGoNU who were appointed to SPLM-IO areas should be able to go there and start their work.” 

Asked about SPLM-IO officials who are complaining of being left out of government, he said, “We are a political entity and we held several meetings in Juba which selected people for the various positions in the national and states parliaments and governments.”

He said that those who have not completed their tour of duty were left in their positions and others were appointed to replace those who have finished their tour of duty.

“The available positions cannot cover all the people and what is important is for us to implement peace so that tomorrow someone who aspires for office can stand for it,” Both said.