VP Hussein Abdelbagi being welcomed in Rumbek. (Photo: Radio Tamazuj)

Vice President Akol in Lakes State to assess service delivery

The vice president in charge of the service cluster, Hussein Abdelbagi Akol, arrived in Rumbek, Lakes State, on Thursday to assess service cluster institutions and find solutions to the challenges they face.

The vice president in charge of the service cluster, Hussein Abdelbagi Akol, arrived in Rumbek, Lakes State, on Thursday to assess service cluster institutions and find solutions to the challenges they face.

Addressing a crowd that turned up to welcome him at the Rumbek Freedom Square, Abdelbagi said the government will apply legal measures to evict squatters on school and other government lands. He also promised that teachers and health workers will henceforth receive timely salaries and allowances.

“I highly commend the people of Lakes State and their governor on their relentless efforts in promoting education in the area,” he said. “Education is the key to life and should be given a priority so that every South Sudanese child has the opportunity to thrive in any endeavors.”

Meanwhile, Lakes State Governor Rin Tueny Mabor said his government has checked insecurity and created stability in the state.

“We have normalized security in Lakes State and maintain rule of law and order. We are embarking on service delivery and providing quality free education for all,” he reassured. “We are embarking on agriculture for food for all and feeder roads construction.”

“The people of Lakes State thank President Salva Kiir for prioritizing and declaring compulsory and free education in the country,” Tueny added.

He also said that his administration is implementing the peace revitalized agreement with all stakeholders in a consultative manner.

“I appeal to our citizens to maintain peace through improved agricultural productivity and send children to school and work together for peace, unity and reconciliation in Lakes State,” the governor said.

For her part, the national minister of general education and instruction, Awut Deng Achuil, urged the people in Lakes State to promote girl child education.

“I am happy today to see thousands of students and pupils marching before us and this is progress. My appeal to you is that let us make our education system strong like it used to be in the past,” he said. “We can only do this if we hire qualified teachers to deliver quality education to our children. We should also embark on the promotion of girl education and send every school-age child, both girls, and boys, to school.”

Minister Deng lauded the governor for restoring security in Lakes State saying that there can be no development without peace.