Upper Nile citizens fear renewed fighting

Residents in South Sudan’s Upper Nile state expressed concern at ‘mounting tensions’ between government forces and defected troops in the state.

Residents in South Sudan’s Upper Nile state expressed concern at ‘mounting tensions’ between government forces and defected troops in the state.

This fear surfaced after the rebel chief negotiator claimed that they did not sign the implementation of the Ceasefire Matrix with the government in Addis Ababa on 25 August.

However, the IGAD mediators insist that SPLM-IO has already committed to a ceasefire and agreed to implement its terms.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj Friday, several citizens at Renk, Kaka, and Kodok areas predicted movement of troops and further escalation at any time in contentious areas in the state.

Rebels threaten in Khartoum

Separately, rebel commander in Upper Nile state James Gai threatened that they will overrun Renk, Kaka and Kordofan areas soon.

In a press statement in Khartoum, Gai said that they are planning to besiege Upper Nile state on various fronts.

He further said that they still control commercial areas in Unity state and other vital areas in Upper Nile.

Meanwhile, the Unity State Security Advisor criticized the recent statement by the rebels that they did not sign a ceasefire agreement last week.

Previously, SPLM-IO Head of External Relations Committee Dhieu Mathok denied reports that they signed a ceasefire agreement matrix in Addis Ababa.

John Malok urged the local residents not to listen to General Peter Gadet whom he accused of killing citizens in Unity state.

He further said the opposition fighters cannot defeat government forces, even if they received weapons and ammunition from Sudan’s government, a charge which Khartoum denies.

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