Upper Nile authorities ban sorghum exports

The Government of Upper Nile State issued a directive stopping the transportation of sorghum outside Renk without approval.

The order was made shortly after the visit of the state’s deputy governor, Deng Juo Ngok, to Renk to assess commodity prices after the area witnessed a large influx of returnees and refugees from Sudan.

He explained in an interview with Radio Tamazuj that the state government directed the designated authorities not to allow the transport of Sorghum outside Renk except with the approval of the state government, to curb skyrocketing commodity prices after a bag of sorghum hit SSP 130,000.

Juo added that the economic situation was deteriorating due to the war in Sudan, especially in the northern region of the state.

“We issued a set of directives to prevent the exploitation of this situation which affects the citizens,” he said. “Therefore, we decided to stop the export for three months to stabilize the prices so that food is accessible to everyone.”

Regarding the security situation on the border with Sudan where there is an ongoing war, the deputy governor said the situation is stable and the security services are doing their best to maintain order and security amid the huge influx of Sudanese refugees and returnees.

He also revealed that there are over a thousand cars from Sudan in Renk County.

According to Juo, a meeting between the state authorities and humanitarian organizations in Renk resolved that the Sudanese refugees would be moved to the southern part of the town.

He said the state’s counties are stable apart from some incidents in Nasser.