UNSC calls for direct SPLA-N and Sudan government negotiations

The United Nation Security Council (UNSC) has issued a communiqué calling on the Khartoum government to refrain from threatening Juba with the issue of oil exports in order to pressurize it to resolve the outstanding issues between the two countries.

The United Nation Security Council (UNSC) has issued a communiqué calling on the Khartoum government to refrain from threatening Juba with the issue of oil exports in order to pressurize it to resolve the outstanding issues between the two countries.

With consensus of 15 members, the council welcomed the investigation mechanism formed to investigate the rebel support claims between the two sides and identify the ‘zero line’ as well as its subsequent demarcation.

On the other hand the council called on South Sudan government and the Sudan’s People Liberation Army North (SPLA-N) to cease hostilities, violence on civil population and engages in direct negotiations as well as allowing the humanitarian aid to reach needy people in addition to respect for international humanitarian law.

Meanwhile, the spokesman of the SPLA- N, Arnu Ngutulu Lodi said that the movement is committed to adhere to the UNSC resolution 2046 which called for cessation of hostilities to allow humanitarian assistance to reach the affected people. The SPLA-N spokesman accused the Sudanese government of turning a blind eye to the issue of allowing the humanitarian organizations to access the people in Blue Nile and South Kordofan.