UNMISS trains Luo, Fallata peace committee members in Aweil Center

Members of the Luo and Fallata peace committee pose for a group photo after the training. (Photo: Radio Tamazuj)

The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) last Friday concluded a two-day training to empower members of the Luo and Fallata peace committee on how to handle disputes between the two communities.

The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) last Friday concluded a two-day training to empower members of the Luo and Fallata peace committee on how to handle disputes between the two communities.

In December last year, the two communities established the peace committee to address disputes and mitigate conflicts between pastoralist groups and the host community.

Maria Iniceta Montero, UNMISS’ Civil Affairs Division (CAD) team leader in Aweil, said they are committed to building the capacity of local communities to promote peace and social cohesion.

“The capacity building workshop empowers the understanding of the committee members on how they should resolve conflict and promote peaceful coexistence and social cohesion,’’ Montero said.

“The good part of the workshop is to allow former members of the joint-border peace committees to share experiences and also discuss with the members on how best to carry out their duties,” she added.

Ayat Mawut Unguech, the representative of the Luo community, said the committee members acquired enough knowledge on conflict management and how to organize animal migration corridors and prevention of wildfires among others.

“We have understood many things in the training, especially on how to organize cattle migration corridors, prevention of rampant wildfires and we also concluded that indigenous lands belonging to the Luo community shall not be renamed by immigrating communities,” Mawut said.

The Fallata community deputy paramount chief, Mohammed Omer, said the training was fruitful.

“We are delighted of the training because the Aweil Center County commissioner was with us in the sessions. We wish peace to continue in all parts of South Sudan,” Omar said.


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