Constitutional post holders attend strategic planning workshop at South Sudan Hotel in Aweil town on 30 June 2021. [Photo:Radio Tamazuj]

UNMISS trains Aweil state officials in strategic planning

The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) in partnership with the government of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, carried out a two-day strategic planning workshop to equip public office holders in strategies for better service delivery.

The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) in partnership with the government of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, carried out a two-day strategic planning workshop to equip public office holders in strategies for better service delivery.

Over 30 government officials including advisors, ministers, county commissioners, and heads of independent commissions attended the workshop which is also meant to create a more transparent government system that provides basic needs and promotes peaceful coexistence through social services.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Wednesday after the conclusion of the workshop in South Sudan Hotel in Aweil, Kiir Yor Lual, the county commissioner of Aweil East County, said the workshop achieved its prime objective because they now understood how to handle challenges affecting government services delivery.

“The strategic planning workshop we have had for the last two days brought together state constitutional post holders such as state ministers, advisors, county commissioners, and chairperson of independent commissions. The workshop was about strategic planning, it is very educational and we have learned how you can tackle many issues affecting governance, economics and services cluster,’’ Lual said. 

UNMISS’ head of field office in Aweil, Ataklti Hailu said the workshop aimed at achieving a peaceful society.

“The purpose is not to achieve a single goal here, it is to live as a harmonious happy society, and if half of society is not happy or deprived of human needs, that society is sick. Some people think poverty is intergenerational; you were born poor, your parents were poor and your children will be poor, is that true or not? I am not sure but you need to discuss it in your cabinet,’’ Hailu advised. 

Northern Bahr el Ghazal State’s information minister and government spokesman, Abraham Wol Kom, said, "This strategic planning workshop was based on the request from the state governor, his deputy, and the secretary-general to equip the constitutional post holders’ with skills in strategic planning for better services delivery by the state government." 

He said the areas of priority are schools, hospitals, clean drinking water, roads construction, and security.