Updated: UNMISS staff member killed in Ruweng

The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) on Tuesday announced the killing of its staff member in South Sudan’s Ruweng Administrative Area.

The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) on Tuesday announced the killing of its staff member in South Sudan’s Ruweng Administrative Area.

In a press statement extended to Radio Tamazuj, the Mission condemned the killing of its South Sudanese staff member in Abiemnhom in the Ruweng area, close to the border with Warrap State and Abyei.

The Mission called for an expeditious investigation into the murder.

According to the statement, the deceased, Charles Kiir Gone, a heavy vehicle operator, was serving with the peacekeeping mission in Wau. He was reportedly killed during an attack by armed men in a relative’s home in Abiemnhom, where he was staying.

“UNMISS expresses its deepest condolences to Mr. Kiir’s family, friends, and his colleagues and urges local and State authorities to immediately investigate the incident,” the statement read in part.

Nicholas Haysom, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, and head of UNMISS, said the Mission is shocked and saddened by the killing of their colleague and offers sincere sympathy to his loved ones for their tragic loss.

“This incident illustrates the real and ongoing threat to the lives of UN peacekeepers supporting South Sudan on its journey towards peace as well as members of the communities we serve,” he stated. “We call on South Sudanese authorities to investigate this heinous crime and do their utmost to apprehend the perpetrators and bring them to justice.”

Meanwhile, the acting information minister in Ruweng Administrative Area, James Arop Ayuel, has confirmed that a staff South Sudanese staff member of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Charles Kiir Gone Kiir, was shot and killed in the area on Tuesday.

Speaking to Radio Tamazjuj on Wednesday, Minister Arop said cattle rustlers attacked Pangok village in the Area’s Abiemnom County and raided 9 head of cattle before killing Kiir Gone who was on leave and visiting his family.  A woman, Ajok Monychikon Maker, was shot and wounded in the attack.

“The raiders either came from the neighboring county of Mayom in Unity State or Warrap State. The Government of Ruweng Administrative Area (GRAA) condemns this criminal act in the strongest terms and calls upon the Mayom County and Warrap State authorities to bring the culprits to book,” he stated. “The Government of Ruweng Administrative Area remains committed to promoting peaceful coexistence and social cohesion between the communities of Abiemnom and Mayom counties.

“Our heartfelt condolences to the family of the late Kiir Gone Kiir, the people of Ruweng, and the UN family in South Sudan during this difficult time of sorrow,” Minister Arop added.

Last year, the Ruweng Administrative Area held a conference to reduce bride price in the 8 counties of the area to reduce cattle thefts and raiding.