A litigants shelter at the Rumbek High Court handed over alongside other structures by UNMISS on 31 October 2022. [Photo: Radio Tamazuj]

UNMISS, CEPO handover new structures to Rumbek high court

The Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) supported by the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the Lakes state government handed over three new courtrooms and installed solar panels to the Rumbek high court on Monday.

The Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) supported by the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the Lakes state government handed over three new courtrooms and installed solar panels to the Rumbek high court on Monday.

Through the UNMISS Quick Impact Project costing $42,000, they also handed over renovated latrines, new furniture, and litigant shelter to improve the working conditions of the court in Rumbek. 

Addressing the handover ceremony, the state legal advisor, Makuer Mabor Nak appreciated UNMISS for supporting development projects and promoting peace and security in the state. 

He urged UNMISS to continue supporting the government, especially in the area of human rights and rule of law. 

“I am appealing to the community not to misuse the shelters and other facilities to keep them clean for their benefit. These facilities do not belong to an individual or the High Court only or UNMISS but it’s for the community of Lakes State,” he said.

The UNMISS Head of the Human Rights Division in Rumbek John Oziegbe thanked the state leadership for their collaboration with UNMISS and other UN agencies towards creating secure and safe places in the state.

“UNMISS human right division are not here to only report human rights violations and abuses. We are here to support you in building your institution so that they can deliver services to the people promptly and efficiently in Lakes state,” he said.

He said UNMISS initiated the project implemented by CEPO to address the needs of the high court judges and the litigants, stressing that he hopes the judiciary will serve with fairness and be independent. 

“The importance of a functioning effective and efficient judicial system is key to enhancing the rule of law and respect for human rights. We have noticed over the years that the backlog of cases in the state did not only contribute to near lack of enthusiasm for justice seekers but that the delays experienced in justice administration have also fueled the cycle of revenge attacks and violence in the state,” Oziegbe noted. 

The President of the High Court, Judge Michael Atem Chol extended his gratitude to the UNMISS for responding to their needs. 

For his part, the CEPO coordinator in Lakes state, Mr. Daniel Laat Kon also appreciated the UNMISS for upgrading the high court in Rumbek. 

He appealed to the state government to allow the judiciary to exercise its duties without interference from the executive as stipulated in the state constitution.