Pupils sitting the 2022/23 CPE examinations in Juba. (File photo)

Unity State tops 2022 Certificate for Primary Examinations

Unity State has emerged as the best-performing state in the just released 2022/2023 Certificate of Primary Examinations (CPE) while Jonglei State had the best-performing school and the best male candidate.

Unity State has emerged as the best-performing state in the just released 2022/2023 Certificate of Primary Examinations (CPE) while Jonglei State had the best-performing school and the best male candidate.

This was revealed Wednesday by Martin Tako Moyi, the Deputy Minister for General Education and Instruction in Juba as he released the results.  

“Now let us go to the performance by the state, number one is Unity State with 78.9 percent followed by Jonglei State with 75.2 percent and the third is Warrap State which 74.6 percent,” he said. “Number four is Northern Bahr el Ghazal State which got 71.9 percent, number five is Lakes State with 71 percent, number six is Abyei Administrative Area with 70 percent, Central Equatoria with 69.7 percent and Eastern Equatoria scored 69.6 percent.”

“The overall percentage of those who passed is 64.3 and 95.4 percent are male and 92.9 are female and the total percentage of the pass mark is 94.3,” Tako added.

A total of 53,325 pupils passed the CPE with a performance index of 69.7. About 60,831 pupils registered for the examination but only 59,759 candidates finally sat the examination.

29,117 male and 20,398 female candidates sat the 2022 CPE.

Agok Thuch Mading Agok of Alpha Junior Academy in Jonglei State was the best candidate with 438 marks and Aduk Lual Awuol Ngong from Venus Star Academy Goroyo Primary School in Central Equatoria State followed closely with 437 marks.

The best-performing schools are Alpha Junior Academy in Jonglei State with 146 candidates and JCC Model Primary School in Central Equatoria State with 34 candidates.

“The best-performing schools were Alpha Junior Academy in Jonglei State, followed by JCC Model Primary School in Central Equatoria, All Saints Primary School in Lakes State, St. Bakhita Primary School in Warrap State, and St. Paul Nursery and Primary School Central Equatoria,” Tako said.

Social Studies was the best-performed subject in the 2022 CPE exams with 80 percent followed by Science at 74.3 percent, while Islamic Religious Education was the worst-performed subject with 57.7 percent followed by the English Language at 64 percent.

Deputy Minister Tako said about 1,555 male and 1,825 female candidates failed the exams.       

“The absentees, those who did not sit are 1.7 percent and there are various reasons why they did not sit and it is not necessary to mention it here but they fail to appear in examinations centers,” he said.