Unity state receives 12 trucks of relief items

Officials in South Sudan’s Unity State have confirmed that a government humanitarian convoy of 12 trucks has arrived in the state on Monday after the opening of the Unity State-Sudan route.

Officials in South Sudan’s Unity State have confirmed that a government humanitarian convoy of 12 trucks has arrived in the state on Monday after the opening of the Unity State-Sudan route.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, the caretaker information minister of Unity State David Gai Jiejor said the convoy delivered more than 5,000 sacks of food and non-food items for the vulnerable community. 

“We have received 5,810 sacks of different types of food and non-food items which were initially purchased by the government of Unity State and these items have reached Unity State headquarters today,” he said. 

Gai said the 75 kilometers road from Unity State to the Payagai border with South Kordofan has been under construction for almost three months but that the opening will ease access to goods and services from Sudan. 

The minister said the items will be transported across the state with a focus on the flood-affected communities.

“The food items will be distributed to almost 300,000 displaced persons who are in Bentiu and also including the big number of population which is in IDP camps in Bentiu town because they are part of the beneficiaries,” he stated.

According to him, this is the second humanitarian intervention by the state government for the vulnerable in the state. Last month, he says, the government bought and distributed about 20,000 bags of sorghum.