Unity State receive 50 trucks of food items from Sudan

Authorities in South Sudan’s Unity State confirmed that they received 50 trucks loaded with food items from Sudan to support the flood-affected population there.

Authorities in South Sudan’s Unity State confirmed that they received 50 trucks loaded with food items from Sudan to support the flood-affected population there.

Speaking to Radio tamazuj on Wednesday, the state caretaker information minister David Gai Jiejor said the trucks arrived on Monday.

He added that the state government is working in collaboration with Sudan to ensure that the flood-affected population receive food rations monthly. 

“These food items are mainly of sorghum in different trucks and some of these trucks are carrying 200, 400, and others carry 4,000 bags of dura/sorghum. So these trucks are quite varied in the lengths of the trucks which were loaded from Khartoum, Sudan,” he said.

Minister Gai said the distribution of the food items to the seven state counties has begun.