UNISFA troops marching in Abyei. (UN photo)

UNISFA denies arming Abyei youth, decries fake news

The United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) is concerned by disinformation circulating online and on social media falsely accusing the Mission of arming local youth in the Abyei Box.

The United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) is concerned by disinformation circulating online and on social media falsely accusing the Mission of arming local youth in the Abyei Box.

In a statement on Sunday, UNISFA said the false reports alleged that third-party commercial trucks carrying UNISFA contingent-owned equipment, being transported to Abyei from the Port of Mombasa, Kenya, were to be used to equip an armed group operating in Abyei.

“Separately, another shipment of five trucks, transporting UN-owned equipment containing logistics items en route to Abyei from Wau, was diverted back to Wau for inspection by South Sudan’s authorities,” the statement read. “This action was prompted by inaccurate reports claiming that these trucks were transporting weapons and ammunition. The trucks were subsequently released by the authorities after inspection.”

“All logistics supplies of the mission, which were previously received through the Port of Sudan, are currently being shipped through the Port of Mombasa via South Sudan to Abyei, due to the ongoing crisis in Sudan,” the UNISFA statement added.   

According to UNISFA, the false reports are being spread to escalate tensions in the Abyei area and undermine the Mission’s impartiality.

“UNISFA calls on the public to ignore disinformation and desist from spreading it further,” UNISFA said. “The Mission remains fully committed to implementing its mandate and continues to work closely with the local communities, authorities, and international partners to support peace and security in Abyei.”