UNISFA’s Acting Head of Mission and Force Commander, Major General Benjamin Olufemi Sawyerr. (UN photo)

UNISFA condemns Abyei attacks, says no peacekeeper was killed

The United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) on Monday strongly condemned Sunday’s attacks by a group of armed youths on villages in the area around Angath, Wunpeth, and Korioch in the Abyei Administrative Area.

The United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) on Monday strongly condemned Sunday’s attacks by a group of armed youths on villages in the area around Angath, Wunpeth, and Korioch in the Abyei.

The attacks resulted in an estimated 27 people killed and 14 injured.

In a statement, UNISFA however clarified that they did not lose any peacekeepers during the fighting. 

On Sunday evening, Abyei Information Minister Bulis Koch told Radio Tamazuj that a Ghanaian peacekeeper with UNISFA was among those killed in the ensuing fighting.

“Contrary to inaccurate information published in media and other reports, no UNISFA peacekeepers were killed or wounded during the incident,” the UNISFA statement illuminated.

According to the UN Force, in responding to the attacks, their peacekeepers moved rapidly to enhance security in the affected area by intensifying patrols and closely monitoring the situation.

“UNISFA leadership is also engaging with the Abyei Area Administration and Ngok Dinka traditional leaderships as well as stakeholders in Juba to ensure peace and security is maintained in the Abyei area,” the statement read in part. “UNISFA’s Acting Head of Mission and Force Commander, Major General Benjamin Olufemi Sawyerr, reiterates the mission’s commitment to protecting civilians and calls on all communities to refrain from violence and commit to ensuring sustainable peace in Abyei.”