UN to step up patrols following rising violence in Unity state

The UN mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) says it will ramp up patrols and continue to work with stakeholders at the state, national and local level to encourage dialogue and reduce tensions and insecurity in Unity State.

The UN mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) says it will ramp up patrols and continue to work with stakeholders at the state, national and local level to encourage dialogue and reduce tensions and insecurity in Unity State.  

In a statement on Friday, UNMISS said fighting between the Sudan People’s Liberation Army in Opposition and armed youths, which began in Mirmir Payam, has spread to several villages in Koch, Mayiandit and Leer counties of Unity State.

The mission pointed out that it plans to conduct missions to the affected areas to assess the situation and document allegations of violations and abuses. 

The statement calls for authorities to carry out timely investigations and urges the government to hold accountable those responsible for instigating and participating in the violence. 

Over the past two weeks, civilians have been reported killed, injured and forced to flee their homes. The civilian property was destroyed, and humanitarian supplies were looted. Between 22 and 23 February, local health facilities in Leer town reported nine women raped. 

 “UNMISS strongly condemns the violence at a time when humanitarian needs are rising, and people are already reeling from the worst flooding in decades. The Mission urges national and local authorities to take immediate measures to reduce tensions and to prevent further escalation of the situation,” it concluded.