Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG), Guang Cong (Radio Tamazuj)

UN pledges support for South Sudan’s judicial reforms

Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister Ruben Madol Arol and the Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG), Guang Cong, met in Juba on Thursday to discuss the challenges in implementing the Revitalized Peace Agreement and the urgent human rights issues in South Sudan.

Following their meeting, Cong addressed the media, underlining a focus on boosting support for judicial reforms and improving the coordination between UNMISS and the Ministry of Justice. He emphasized the need for active intervention to extend justice reforms to state levels.

“We discussed about the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement, how we can better support, and the coordination of our efforts to support the Ministry of Justice in areas of the judicial reforms,” Cong told the media.

“I assured his honorable of the full support of UNMISS and the United Nations in this regard.”

The implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement, which is critical to stabilizing South Sudan, continues to face significant obstacles, including political infighting and inadequate infrastructure.

The Undersecretary in the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Dr Gabriel Isaac Awow, said that Cong inquired about two significant transitional justice Bills: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Conversation and Repatriation Authority.

Awow noted that the Bills were progressing through the legislative process and were currently in their third reading.

“The minister assured UNMISS that the laws will be implemented across South Sudan and that human rights issues will be promptly addressed,” Awow stated.

Despite these assurances, several observers have expressed skepticism. Critics argue that tangible progress on human rights and transitional justice remains limited, pointing to a gap between legislative advancements and actual implementation on the ground.