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Khartoum - 29 Mar 2012

UN asks Sudan not to make South Sudanese stateless

The UN refugees agency (UNHCR) has asked Khartoum not to strip Sudanese nationals with South Sudanese origin of citizenship if they are unable to acquire South Sudanese citizenship.

Khartoum must make sure these people do not become stateless as this is against international laws, said UNHCR representative Jean Francois.

Francois addessed a parliamentary hearing in Khartoum on Wednesday and told the government the reponsibility lies with them to ensure no citizen ends up without a nationality.

'We work with governments to make sure no person loses citizenship after countries separate', added Francois.

He also pointed out that residents of El Forgay, Yulu, Karra, Kareish and Bunga villages in South Darfur bordering South Sudan are worried about losing their nationalities. Khartoum must make sure the proces of withdrawing citizenship is fair and just.