SPLM and NRM Party officiails in Kampala over the weekend. (Credit: NRM)

Uganda’s NRM ruling party to train Kiir’s SPLM Party

The National Resistance Movement (NRM), the ruling party in Uganda led by President Yoweri Museveni, and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) Party have signed a cooperation agreement aimed at enhancing the ideological training of South Sudanese leaders.

The training will take place at Uganda’s National Leadership Institute in Kyankwanzi.

The two parties resolved on Saturday in a high-level meeting that featured both leaders of the NRM Secretariat and a delegation from the SPLM. The NRM side was led by the Secretary-General, Rt. Hon. Richard Todwong and the National Treasurer, Amb. Barbara Nekesa.

Bol Makueng Youl, the SPLM Secretary for External Relations, led the SPLM delegation. He was accompanied by Dr. John Oryem, the Secretary for Training and Research, Antipas Nyok Kucha, the Deputy Principal of the Political School, and the party’s Director of the Political Desk, Dennis Marial Mourwel. 

Todwong said they agreed to enhance the cohesion and capacity building of the SPLM leaders through ideological training at the renowned political leadership school.

“The secretariat pledges to facilitate the training of our brothers and sisters as a contribution to the growth of multiparty democracy in the world’s youngest nation,” he stated.

Todwong also revealed that the two sides discussed possible ways Uganda and South Sudan could enhance the social-economic empowerment of their citizens through cross-border trade without barriers.

SPLM’s Bol Makueng Yuol applauded the NRM for being a good brother to the people of South Sudan during difficult times.

“You were by our side when we fought for self-determination and you have continued to be by our side in defense, building the national economy and democracy,” he said. “We look forward to actualizing the training of our cadres to ensure ideologically grounded people run the party to move the country forward.

The NRM National Treasurer Amb. Barbara Nekesa said her party is also ready to learn new ideas on how the SPLM runs its political business to improve mobilization and service delivery to the people.

She called for dialogue between SPLM’s leadership and those opposed to the government to seize fire and dialogue peace for the common interest of the citizens.

The NRM External Affairs Director, Rtd. Maj. Awich Pollar affirmed the party’s commitment to work with revolutionary parties to develop their countries due to similar ideas and aspirations.

“It was right and fitting that such a revolutionary party pays to us a courtesy call to deliberate bilateral progress,” he said.

Other NRM principals who attended were Dr. Tanga Odoi, the Electoral Commission Chairman, and Deputy National Treasurer, Hon. Jaqueline Kyatuhaire, Directors; Hon. Emmanuel Dombo (Communications), Maj. Okwir Rabwoni (Youth and Institutions) and Counsel Enoch Barata(Legal services).