U.S gives WHO USD 5 million to support food-insecure communities

The United States Government, through USAID), has contributed USD 5 million to the World Health Organization (WHO) to support an integrated health response for communities affected by crises and acute food insecurity across South Sudan.

The United States Government, through USAID), has contributed USD 5 million to the World Health Organization (WHO) to support an integrated health response for communities affected by crises and acute food insecurity across South Sudan. 

According to a press release on Wednesday, this funding brings USAID’s fiscal year 2022 humanitarian contribution to health care services in South Sudan to USD 34 million.

The country is witnessing its worst food crisis since its independence in 2011 due to continuing conflict, four years of persistent floods, 18 months of localized drought, and the impact of a global food and fuel crisis exacerbated by Russia’s unprovoked and unjust war in Ukraine.

“With USAID’s support, the WHO will reach an estimated 1.1 million vulnerable internally displaced persons, returnees, and host community members who are at risk of elevated disease burden and death due to diseases across 20 counties in South Sudan’s Jonglei, Lakes, Unity, Upper Nile, Warrap, and Western Equatoria states facing severe levels of acute food insecurity,” the statement said.

WHO and USAID said the new funding will specifically ensure the procurement and distribution of inter-agency emergency health kits for partners providing essential health and nutrition services to crisis-affected people.

“The United States and USAID continue to support South Sudanese people facing humanitarian disasters, food insecurity, and violence.  This contribution to WHO will improve the quality of life and health of South Sudanese,” USAID Mission Director Kate Crawford said.  “Meanwhile, we continue to urge the Government of South Sudan to address the drivers of persistent subnational violence and assume responsibility for the health and well-being of its citizens.  We also call for better protection of aid and humanitarian workers.”

On his part, Dr. Fabian Ndenzako, the WHO in South Sudan, said they appreciated the timely contribution from USAID to support the health response in communities impacted by crisis and acute food insecurity.

“It will contribute to the reduction of preventable illness and death from infectious, non-communicable, and epidemic-prone diseases related to acute food insecurity, floods, and subnational violence in priority high-risk counties of the country,” he said. “USAID’s support will enable us to improve coordination for effective humanitarian responses and ensure that affected communities have access to critical services.”