One of the trucks that was set ablaze. (File photo)

U.S. Embassy condemns attack on UNICEF convoy in C. Equatoria State

The U.S. Embassy has joined the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in strongly condemning the September 23 attack on a convoy of trucks returning from delivering aid to children and their families in Yei, Central Equatoria State.

The U.S. Embassy has joined the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in strongly condemning the September 23 attack on a convoy of trucks returning from delivering aid to children and their families in Yei, Central Equatoria State. 

Two drivers were killed in the senseless attack and a third was injured. 

“Critical humanitarian resources were also destroyed.  We offer our condolences to the families of the victims,” the U.S. Embassy statement said. “We again call on the transitional government to meet its responsibility to establish conditions that ensure the safe provision of humanitarian assistance.

Earlier in the week, James Maiden, UNICEF’s chief of communication in South Sudan, told Radio Tamazuj on Tuesday that two contracted drivers were shot and killed and another injured and that two trucks were set ablaze.

“Two trucks were attacked on Saturday morning while returning to Juba after delivering crucial aid supplies for children and their families to Yei. Unfortunately, two contracted drivers were shot and killed and another one was injured, and trucks which were empty and returning to Juba were burnt and destroyed,” he said. “UNICEF strongly condemns the incident. Due to the attack, UNICEF has paused the movement of supplies to the area and is urging the government to step up security on the roads and bring those responsible to justice.”

“UNICEF is working closely with the humanitarian community and authorities to ensure distribution of life-saving medical, nutrition, WASH, and education supplies can continue, with the safety of the dedicated contractors who deliver them secured,” Maiden added.