Two police in Northern Bahr al Ghazal face charge over missing money

The two police officers who were accussed for recording an incorrect amount of money that belonged to a slain trader killed at Marol Deng Geng in Malual Centre County in Lol state will be charged for the disappearance of over 200,000 SSP.

The two police officers who were accussed for recording an incorrect amount of money that belonged to a slain trader killed at Marol Deng Geng in Malual Centre County in Lol state will be charged for the disappearance of over 200,000 SSP.

The officers were arrested in August after a trader was killed by an armed man but the two police officers on duty did not recorded correct amount of money the victim had. They were accused of negligence of their duties.

Area member of parliament Hon. Angok Maadi told Radio Tamazuj on Monday that the case has been transfered to the first judge in Aweil State.

“It is confirmed through documents found from the victim that he has 200,400 SSP and the trial was supposed to take place on 15 this month but was pushed to another date and they will be tried by first judge in Aweil State,” said Angok.

The legislator has said that justice will be exercised so that such incidents will not happen in the future.