Two men receive 5-year prison sentences for rape in Koch County

In a landmark ruling, a local court on Friday sentenced two men to five-year prison terms, with one of them found guilty of raping a sixteen-year-old girl in Koch County in Unity State in August of this year.

In a landmark ruling, a local court on Friday sentenced two men to five-year prison terms, with one of them found guilty of raping a sixteen-year-old girl in Koch County in Unity State in August of this year.

The convicted rapist, a 45-year-old, has also been ordered to pay a traditional marriage settlement consisting of 47 cows to the victim’s family.

Paramount Chief of Koch County, John Mattiek Puot Wuor, explained, “We sentenced two men to prison after they committed crimes against the community at Koch County.”

He added, “The local court sentenced the two gentlemen to prison for five years each after they were involved in the rape of a 16-year-old girl. We don’t want this incident to happen in our community again, and this sentence is a deterrent example to other criminals in our county.”

Regarding the accomplice of the rape perpetrator, who was convicted of complicity in the crime, he too, received a five-year prison sentence. He is alleged to have restrained and detained the underage girl while she was sexually abused and raped.

Brig. James Tut Wal, the Police director in Koch County, spoke to Radio Tamazuj on Wednesday, shedding light on the location of the rape incident near the border with Mayendit County. He stated, “The rape incident happened recently near the border with Mayendit County, and the two accused were taken to court last Friday.”

Brig. Wal noted that the local court acted swiftly after investigations confirmed the involvement of the two men in the rape of the 16-year-old girl. He also revealed that the accomplice not only participated in the rape but also extorted SSP 20,000 from the victim.

In a unique twist, Brig. Wal explained the traditional marriage settlement imposed on the convicted rapist, saying, “We arrested the rape perpetrator, took him to court, and he has been charged and also asked to pay 47 cows to the parents of the rape victim. Because he has spoiled the girl, he must marry her by force.”

This recent conviction underscores Unity State’s commitment to combating sexual violence, sending a clear message that perpetrators will be held accountable for their actions. In a similar case earlier this year, a 28-year-old man was convicted of raping a teenage girl and fined 80 cows in Unity State.