Two measles cases confirmed in Malakal

Two cases of measles have been diagnosed in Malakal town in South Sudan’s Central Upper Nile State, health officials said.

Two cases of measles have been diagnosed in Malakal town in South Sudan’s Central Upper Nile State, health officials said.

Measles is a highly infectious disease that can spread through the air. Symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose and red watery eyes. After several days, a red rash then develops, first on the face, and then on the body.

Minister of Health in Central Upper Nile State, Deng Akuom Deng, told Radio Tamazuj Thursday that two measles cases had been identified among children in Malakal over the past two days.

The state minister said measles vaccination campaign is underway in a bid to control the disease.

Separately, the health minister said reported cases of watery diarrhea in Malakal town are being brought under control. “The number of watery diarrhea cases is falling because we managed to control the disease last week,” he said.