Two killed in Akobo revenge attack

Local authorities in Akobo County of Jonglei State said two people were killed in a revenge attack on Tuesday.

Local authorities in Akobo County of Jonglei State said two people were killed in a revenge attack on Tuesday. 

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, Gatwec Reat, the county commissioner, said the dead were waylaid and killed by a man avenging his brother who was killed a few years ago. 

“The killer is someone who suspected that his brother was killed by somebody from Chiengbur six years ago,” Commissioner Reat explained, “So, the killer who is from Chienglongor, laid an ambush near one of the deceased’s house, killing two young men who were on their way home in the outskirts of the town on Tuesday evening.” 

He said the suspected murderer escaped unhurt and that efforts are ongoing to reconcile the rival clans. 

For his part, Joseph Mayen Akoon, the state police commissioner, said calm has returned to the area after the incident and that investigation are ongoing.

The state human rights advisor, Simon Manyok Deng, decried the cyclic revenge killings as a violation of human rights to live and called on the youth to seek peaceful redress. 

“As a human rights official, killing somebody because they are related to somebody else thought to have committed an offense is not good,” Manyok said. “It amounts to a human rights violation. My message is that those involved in such practices should instead allow the law to take its course. I call on security forces to protect people in all the areas.”