Two journalists survive lightning strike in Tonj South

Two journalists of the Catholic-owned Don Bosco Radio station in Tonj South County of Warrap State, survived a lightning strike during heavy rains while on duty on Saturday.

Two journalists of the Catholic-owned Don Bosco Radio station in Tonj South County of Warrap State, survived a lightning strike during heavy rains while on duty on Saturday. 

According to the management of the station, the two, David Wek Anei and Isaac Uchalla are in good health and have resumed work. 

Margaret Gaetano Goch, Don Bosco Station Manager said the two journalists were working on the news when lightning hit the room where they were in.

"The two journalists are well there is no problem David Chol is now gathering news and Isaac Uchalla left for Wau for a workshop. What happened was that on Saturday Tonj South experienced a very bad rain at six o'clock in the evening, the two journalists were preparing news and when the rain started we put the station off and David Chol was working on a computer when lightning struck them," she explained.

Margaret says a few pieces of equipment were destroyed but the damage could have been worse if the station did not have a lightning arrestor.

"We got some radio equipment destroyed like a computer, power transmitter that is from the generator, Voice of America (VOA) link machine, TV and security cameras. We have a thunder controller that is why the strike was weak otherwise it would have been a great loss to us," she added.

One of the survivors, David Chol says he has fully recovered from the strike after his hearing was distorted following the ordeal. 

"I am now feeling okay but two days back, I could not hear well, and my arms which were on the keyboard were burning like I was shocked by electricity. I didn't receive any medication, I just prayed after I survived and I called Father (priest) to pray for me and went home. Now am at work normally even my hearing returned to normal," Chol narrated.