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WEST KORDOFAN - 17 Jul 2014

Two feuding clans of Misseriya sign truce

The Awlad Omran and Zeyut clans of the Misseriya Humr tribe have signed a truce after the recent clashes over a piece of land that left more than 44 tribesmen dead from the two sides in Sudan’s West Kordofan state.

Mohamed Jabber Buram, head of a reconciliation mechanism in the state, explained that a joint committee of the native administrations of the two sides reached an agreement ending the armed conflict between the feuding clans for the time being, until a final reconciliation conference is held.

He pointed out that the committee exerted great efforts and engaged the two warring parties over ten days to sign the truce.

Buram reiterated the state government’s commitment to reconcile the warring tribes. He emphasized the importance of reaching an amicable solution to tribal conflicts that engulfed the state in order to embark on development and reconstruction.

Separately, a peace and reconciliation conference between the Hamar and Ma’alia tribes is also expected to be convened on 23 July in El Fula town.

Salim El Safi Hajir, the chairman of the parliamentary committee tasked with the reconciliation follow-up said the expected meeting will last for four days.

He pointed out that the government has already arranged the conference, adding the committee will travel to Fula next Sunday to meet with the parties involved.

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