Two dead in suspected SPLA-N attack

At least two civilians were killed and two others wounded in separate attacks in Abbasia, South Kordofan last week, and locals accuse the Sudan People’s Liberation Army-North rebel group of being responsible.

At least two civilians were killed and two others wounded in separate attacks in Abbasia, South Kordofan last week, and locals accuse the Sudan People’s Liberation Army-North rebel group of being responsible.

An SPLA-North source confirmed the incident to Radio Tamazuj without assigning blame. He said two cattle herders named Ali Said and Abdullah Zaki Daoud were killed in the attack between Tekle and Alibdarah villages. Abdela al Ali Saeed was injured in the chest and Mohamed Ibrahim hurt his nose; both were taken to hospital, the source said.

He said the attackers used used heavy weapons including machine guns and RPGs in the attack, and they were able to plunder 135 head of cattle.

SPLA-N spokesman Arno Nagutelo Lodi denied knowledge of the incident and denied any responsibility by his troops. “SPLA­-N doesn’t target civil population. That’s not true. Am sure these are National Congress Party militias elements who committed those atrocities then they placed the responsibility on SPLA­-N,” he said.

Separately, the same locals who suspected the SPLA-N in Abbasia accused a group of the Popular Defence Forces of attacking Tekle village on the same date. They said the attackers used heavy guns, forcing people to flee to Abbasia and Alibdarah. They said the attackers looted the citizens belongings including houses furniture, doors, and windows.

The locals said residents have filed a complaint to the relevant authorities over the actions of the PDF, saying the militia is one of the biggest threats to civilians. They said authorities have not yet responded.