Twic East County pleads for anti-venom drugs as snakes wreak havoc

Authorities in Jonglei State’s Twic East County have pleaded with well-wishers to provide them with anti-venom drugs amidst alarmingly cases of snakebites due to the increasing flooding.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Friday, County Health Director Chol Leek Deng, said the cases have been on the rise since July, with one out of 15 patients succumbing in just one month.

“So far, we have recorded more than 15 cases of snakebites including one death. There is a rise in the number of cases because of the floods, forcing locals to compete for dry land with snakes,” he said.

“We are appealing to WHO and other aid agencies to provide us anti-venom drugs to treat snakebite patients,” he added.

Acting County Commissioner Elijah Manyok Ayii also pleaded for support.

“We are affected due to the ongoing flooding. Dry areas around water bodies where people are living are being affected by floods, displacing dangerous animals like snakes. Everyday there is a case of snakebite while drugs are lacking. We are appealing to be provided with drugs to treat those suffering from bites by snakes,” said Ayii.