Twic East County calls for help as malaria cases surge

Authorities in Twic East County in Jonglei State have appealed for support to tackle the high malaria cases due to floods.

County Health Director Chol Leek Deng told Radio Tamazuj that they received more than 100 malaria cases daily, amidst the drug shortage.

“During this season, malaria cases often go up and this year is no exception. Malaria cases have now gone up, with the Panyagoor County Hospital receiving over 100 cases on daily,” he said.

The heath official said the medical consignment supplied to them last month was running out.

“In July, we received a consignment containing injectable drug (Artesunate) for malaria, but effective malarial treatment needs a variety of drugs. In addition, in July, we had 286 to 300 cases of malaria, depleting our drugs. So we are appealing for intervention.”

Acting County Commissioner Elijah Manyok Ayiei decried the dire health situation and echoed the calls for intervention.

“If you visit our health centers, people are suffering. There are no drugs while people are getting sick every day. We appeal for support,” he said.