Twic County: 3 killed, 2 injured in armed attack

Authorities of Twic County of Warrap State and Rumamer County of the Abyei Administrative Area said the Panrual Agriculture Scheme was attacked on Wednesday morning, leaving three people dead.

Authorities of Twic County of Warrap State and Rumamer County of the Abyei Administrative Area said the Panrual Agriculture Scheme was attacked on Wednesday morning, leaving three people dead.

The acting commissioner of Twic County, Mangok Kom, speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Wednesday, alleged that armed youth from Abyei attacked the scheme and burned three men to death while in their huts. 

He said two other people sustained gunshot wounds and are being treated at a local health center.

“What happened was that this morning at 5 o’clock local time, an armed group from the Abyei area killed three men at Panruel Boma of Ajak Kuech Payam. They (attackers) burned three people in the huts and shot two people too who are now at MSF medical site in Mayen Abun,” he said.

The local official pointed out that after the incident, local youths rushed to the scheme bordering different counties and ascertained that the situation was stable. 

Meanwhile, Kuol Ayom, Rumamer County’s acting commissioner, confirmed the incident but said he didn’t have enough information. 

“The area is secure but for today’s incident we heard gunshots in the scheme but until now, no clear information of who was responsible for the killings there,” he said.

Although the army was deployed in the region to quell recurrent attacks from both sides, Abyei’s Dinka Ngok and the Twic community continue to clash along their common borders.

Since February last year, the communities have been embroiled in a cycle of violence over land ownership. Many people have since lost their lives and thousands have been displaced from their homes.